Friday, September 3, 2010

Hope Now

Every time I hear "Hope Now" by Addison Road I will think of this time in our lives.  The more I am thinking and praying about it I believe I will be changing the blog title to "Hope Now".  We will forever be Anna's family but now 2 years out looking back I know that "Hope Now" tells of the new place we have arrived.  We have held on to hope as our life line and now we find ourselves just days away from another journey that God has lead us to...the path to Gabriel.  To have Gabriel's TA come on Anna's cath day is such a message from heaven to be joyous in all things and to never give up hope.

The Lord continued to show us how in tuned He was to our pain & loss last week by having Tony and I run into not one, but two grant recipients of Anna's Forever Families.  Sunday we stopped by the grocery store on our way home from church and I saw one of our recipients in the deli section with her beautiful daughter.  I approached her to introduce myself and I just wanted to give her a hug.  While chatting another woman walked up.  As we were introduced we both realized who each other was and  we embraced.  What a meet both of those ladies and know that once again the Lord was showing us up close and personal the hope in His plan.....He heard the cry of my mother's heart and answered with a physical confirmation of the beauty in His plan.  Anna's Forever Families is such a small non-profit and it has broken my heart that we have not been able to provide grants for going on three quarters but I am holding on to the hope that the Lord will too work this out in His perfect timing.  He spoke that to my heart loud & clear Sunday as I embraced each of those women.  During this frenzied time of preparation to bring our son home, I am also thinking of the fund raising cookbook.  It should be on it's way any day now.  I pray that it is God's will for it to be a complete hit and sell every copy as quickly as possible so we can give grants the last quarter of 2010.  Please feel free to mention our fund raiser for AFF on your blogs & websites.  I would love if everyone who follows us would post AFF's button to help spread the word.

Hope Now.  We have never lost sight of it in our walk the last two years.  Some days it felt like we could barely hold on to it and our strength was failing.  Those are the days the Holy Spirit held on to us.  So as we approach another huge leap of faith in the journey to bringing Gabriel home we know no matter what we have hope now & always.  We have fought the battle and even though we are bruised and battered the Lord carried us and we refused to give up.  I sit today typing with a smile of peace and happiness.....I am so at peace and the Lord has given me that.  What a beautiful gift.  Some people wait their entire lives to feel complete peace  and I sit here at 40 and feel His warm embrace and know I will always have hope as long as that hope lies in my Lord and Savior.  To His glory and honor I write this today.  I love you so my sweet Jesus!  I thank you with all my heart for the peace I feel and for saving my life with your love.     


1 Thessalonians 5:18
"Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."


Unknown said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this song!! Love Addison Road :)