Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What Have I Been Doing?

I have been trying very hard not to let one of Satan's best strongholds take away my joy in the quiet before traveling.  "Worry" has always been one of my worst enemies.  Every time I feel myself start to give into that useless activity I say a prayer.  I know that worry only takes Christ out of the equation and I can not do anything unless He is in every equation.  Oh, but my human flesh is so fleshy.  Peace is really surrounding every BIG aspect of this journey but the little details and goofy things is what I find myself fretting over.  It is so frustrating at times.  I want this to be a trip of a lifetime for Grace and I know I can not let the goofy stuff worry me or I will not be able to enjoy and embrace this special time with her.  A dear friend of mine just said last night, "one more week of freedom for you.....I am so excited."  As much as I wanted to feel nothing but joy there was a little panic in that thought.  One more week and everything changes.  I have been the full-time mom/wife and part-time working out of the house person for the last two years and now I am going back to mom of a toddler.  Full-time mom again with a boy this time.  Oh, a boy!  As excited as I am, I am just as scared.   I know girls.....I know how their little bodies work, what they wear, how they act and how you can reason with them.  I do not know boys!?*!  Then I look at his face.......sweet Gabriel.....I see the face of God when I look at his face just as I did both my girls.  I see the reflection of God and His ordained appointment in my life.  I can do this.  I can handle going back to the days of a little person in my life.....the days of teaching and nurturing as my full time job.  Grace has been so independent in so many ways since she started full-time school so I am blessed to be able to experience that one on one time with Gabriel every day until Grace comes off the school bus.  Oh, that is my focus when the "worry" junk creeps in.  I know I can do this.....I know God will supply my every need.

To occupy my hands at least I have been doing a ton of sewing.  See above and below.  My Grammy always said, "idle hands are the devil's playground."  Grammy, I know you saw me from heaven start and finish each of these projects.  I completed two other's for friends birthdays in the last month but forgot to take a picture before giving them.  So 4 completed projects in one month....that is a record for me and obvious that I have way too much time at night after Grace is in bed(LOL).

 Well, I need to go start the preliminary packing.  One week from today I will be sitting on a plane landing in Chicago to connect to a plane going to Beijing.  One step closer to our sweet faced son.  Oh, I forgot to tell you my stomach has been just a little off for over a week to love the nerves.  Please Lord help me stay focused on You.....and no sweating the small stuff!


Hebrews 13:5-6
"God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."  So we say with confidence, the Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.  What can man do to me?"


Unknown said...

Can't wait to hear all about your trip and your little man :) HUGS girl!